Friday 17 May 2013

Editing The Movie Trailer

Step 1: Setting Up Preferences

To start up with my trailer, I opened a new project and named it my movie title "Love Vendetta". Next up, I setup my sequence page and adjust the measurements according to the assignment criteria. (See Screenshot Below)

I setup the sequence presets and settings based on my assignment criteria. (See Screenshot Below)

Step 2: Creating the Bins

Next up is to create Bins and rename them and save it as folders. I created 6 bins named as followed: Audio, Clips, Film, Images, Sequences, Titles. (See Screenshot Below)

Step 3: Importing Media

The next step is importing the media into the bins. I imported 2 audio files in the audio folder, I had about 20 clips in my clips folder (the clips are marked in and marked out clips from the films I wanted to edit from), I downloaded 9 short films that consisted all the actors, actresses and mini movies that I will use to create and edit my trailer, I had only one image imported but I decided not to use it later on when I was editing the trailer, I had 1 sequence named "Original Trailer" and this was the actual file/sequence I was using. Lastly, I had about 5 titles edited effectively and used through the trailer. 

Step 4: Timeline and Basic Editing

My timeline is a minute long according to the criteria so my clips cant be long, I edited them short and detailed. After editing my clips from the films I imported, I dragged them all to the timeline, these where the clips I will be using and editing. After dragging it all, I snapped them together according to the scenes and all was unlinked because I was not using all of the audio in the clips, it was just some I needed since the audio I imported was used through-out the trailer . Moreover, I added my audio files to the timeline. I had two audio files, the first one I used at the beginning of the trailer and to some part I cut it using the Razor tool. The next audio was snapped with the first one and between I added a transition effect (explained in step 5) and the second audio started after the transition. It played through till the end of the trailer and I used the Razor tool again to end it. (See Screenshots Below)

Step 5: Adding Transitions and Effects

In every step of the way I added transitions both Audio and Video where it was needed. Under the Effects menu I choose the video transitions for the video and the audio transitions for the audio. For the video transitions I choose the Dissolve folder and only used Dip to Black, Dip to White and Film Dissolve was the Transitions I used for the video. For the Audio I choose the Cross-fade folder and used the Constant Power and Exponential Fade. All of these transitions were used accordingly and repeated at times. (See Screenshot Below).

The above screenshot shows the transitions, they are the tiny Grey Boxes through-out. 

Step 6: Using the Tools

I used various tools and functions. I used not alot because my trailer was very basic so the tools used were the much needed ones. The following were the tools I used: Razor tool to cut clips or audios, Pen tool to dot the points for the key-frames (used this to control the volume of my Audio in specific areas, when I needed no background audio this tools comes in handy),  Ripple Edit tool is what I used to edit the videos and audio ( I increase the clip by increasingly stretching the playtime and reduce the clip by decrease the clip), Zoom tool is what I used to zoom out and in my timeline and the Slide tool is what I used to slide my objects around to snap onto other objects. 

Step 7: Adding Titles

In my trailer I have added 10 titles to it. I first did an intro title "When a Man Falls in Love" choosing a Black background and a Still effect, the next title "He does Everything Necessary" was also a Still effect but no background, "Things can get Ugly" was my next; it had a Default Roll effect to it with no background, the next title was "Vendetta Against Men" it had a Default Crawl to it with no Background. "Warner Bros. Presents" was on a Default Roll effect, the other 3 titles where the names of the characters in the trailer. Lastly, "Love Vendetta....This Summer" was the last title which acts as the movie title and adverts when the movie is coming out. (See Screenshots Below).

As you can see the screenshots above are the different types of titles. Every title I create I adjusted the Title properties in the Title Properties Column, I adjust the Shadow, Background, Fill/Font colour and the Font. I used the Trajan Pro font as my font for all titles. I used the alignments of vertical center and horizontal center to align the title position and the Roll/Crawl option to time the frames (See Screenshots Below). I also select the width and height of the title and the preferred position. All the titles where snapped and placed on where its needed in the timeline.

Step 8: Finishing Touches and Final Playback

After editing with effects and transitions I just adjusted the volume controls and I was satisfied with the final playback of the trailer.

In conclusion, this movie trailer was edited in a basic way. It was quite quick unlike the DVD Case and the Label maybe because it was a minute long. Better yet I was satisfied with the whole document respectively.

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